Undoubtedly getting a tooth removed hurts during and after the extraction. Fortunately, your dentist generally gives you anesthesia during tooth removal to eliminate pain. Following tooth extraction in 08691, the dentists recommend over-the-counter or prescription painkillers to help you manage the discomfort.

If you are undergoing your first tooth extraction as an adult, please continue reading to learn how to manage pain during and after tooth removal.

Discomfort during Tooth Removal

Depending on your comfort level and the complexity of your extraction, your dentist or oral surgeon provides one or more types of anesthesia. For example, if you are having a visible tooth extracted, you receive local anesthesia after your dentist applies a numbing gel to your gums before injecting the anesthetic near the extraction site.

The anesthesia you receive will not eliminate all sensations. However, even as you experience movement and pressure, you will likely not feel any pain while remaining awake during the removal.

If you are overly anxious, the dentist or oral surgeon might recommend conscious sedation through pills that you take before your appointment. Dental sedation relaxes you to make you feel drowsy. It also suppresses your consciousness leaving you with limited memory of the process. However, you still receive local anesthesia in your mouth to numb pain during the extraction. Dental selection is helpful for complicated extractions and will help calm your dental anxiety.

How Long Does Pain Last after Tooth Extraction?

Not every patient feels pain or recovers at similar speeds. However, the oral health foundation states that you will likely experience tenderness and discomfort near the extraction site for about 72 hours. You can also expect stiffness and tightness in your jaw muscles and joints by keeping your mouth open during the extraction.

If you experience pain even after 72 hours, you might be a victim of a dry socket. A dry socket occurs due to the lack of blood clot formation or dislodging of the blood clot to expose the socket walls. If you experience a dry socket, you need treatment from the dentist near me to deal with it. Dry sockets are typically treated with medicated gels the dentist place in the socket to cover it up.

Managing Pain after Tooth Extractions

Dentists recommend over-the-counter painkillers to help you manage post-operative discomfort. If you underwent a complicated removal requiring surgery of the gums and bone will receive a recommendation for more potent pain medication available under prescriptions.

Following tooth extraction, the dentist also provides you post-operative aftercare instructions that you must follow diligently. They are:

  • You can use an ice pack on your cheeks soon after the procedure. However, you must limit the ice packs to 10-minute intervals to prevent tissue damage.
  • Please do not consider getting into your regular activities or strenuous exercises soon after tooth extraction. You must rest for at least a couple of days to ensure you don’t dislodge the blood clot.
  • You can prop your head on extra pillows when lying down. Propping your head up prevents a rush of blood to your mouth that is better avoided.
  • Please do not consider having your regular diet with crunchy and hard foods. As the extraction site is tender, you must exist on soft and cool foods during your recovery.
  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater 24 hours after surgical removal. Saltwater contains disinfectants to cleanse your mouth of any bacteria that accumulate constantly.
  • You can also use warm compresses on your cheeks 24-hour’s after tooth removal.

Tooth extraction, whether surgical or straightforward, causes pain during and after the removal. Your dentist or oral surgeon eliminates pain during tooth removal, providing you with local sedation or general anesthesia.

Following tooth extraction, you receive recommendations for over-the-counter painkillers if your procedure isn’t complicated because it suffices. However, if you underwent a complicated surgical removal, the dentists prescribe stronger medications to help you overcome post-operative discomfort.

How you heal depends on how well you follow the post-operative instructions and take the medications recommended as suggested. Having a tooth removed is similar to any surgical procedure that will likely cause some pain and tenderness. However, if you are careful about your situation and follow your dentist’s instructions to the word, you can relax from the discomfort you experience after tooth removal using the tips mentioned in this article.

Tooth removal procedures are never comfortable. However, if you must have a tooth extracted and receive the best treatment possible, please schedule an appointment with Mercer smiles family dentistry for the procedure.